Green, Alexzender Lee

Green, Alexzender Lee

Alexzender Lee Green

Grade: 4th

Jack Hayes Elementary School

Alexzander Lee Green, born on February 16, 2015, is a vibrant and ambitious young boy currently in the 4th grade at Jack Hayes Elementary School. At just nine years old, Alexzander has already demonstrated a passion for learning and personal growth that sets him apart from his peers.

Family and Background

Alexzander comes from a family deeply rooted in faith and community service. His father, Apostle George Coleman, is a respected religious leader, while his mother, Taegier Green, provides loving support for her son's endeavors. The family are active members of the Goodland Church, where Alexzander is nurturing his spiritual growth alongside his academic and personal development.

Interests and Talents

Despite his young age, Alexzander has already cultivated a diverse range of interests. He has a natural rhythm and love for dancing, showcasing his creativity and physical coordination. His quick wit and articulate nature shine through in his enjoyment of debating, indicating strong critical thinking and communication skills. Alexzander is also known as a computer game wizard, demonstrating his aptitude for technology and strategic thinking.

The Black Tie Guys

On September 16, 2024, Alexzander took a significant step in his personal development journey by joining "The Black Tie Guys." This organization provides a structured program for young men to grow in various aspects of their lives, from academic achievement to networking and community service.

As a new member, Alexzander has earned his Purple Tie, which symbolizes the beginning of his climb to success. This achievement marks his commitment to personal growth and his willingness to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Future Aspirations

Alexzander's participation in The Black Tie Guys aligns perfectly with his aspirations. He hopes that through the program's projects and activities, he will discover and develop his talents while satisfying his thirst for knowledge. His goals include:

  1. Developing a comprehensive life plan with the guidance of his mentors
  2. Traveling across the United States to broaden his horizons
  3. Networking with influential individuals to build valuable connections
  4. Learning new skills to enhance his personal and academic growth
  5. Maintaining his status as an honor student

With his eyes set on the future, Alexzander is already looking forward to graduating with the class of 2032 from Ouachita Parish High School.

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